Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the last man on earth

This movie is based on the same story "I am Legend" is. what works for this movie is a few things, a) Vincent Price, 'nuff said, b) this movie is darker and without ruining the movie, doesn't have a "happy" ending, and c) black & white.

watch it, enjoy it.

David's radio show

vampyr part 1 (in 8 parts)

this is a brilliant film made in 1932. i found this on youtube, and it appears that the movie has been cleaned up a bit, i haven't seen it since 1996 or so, but it's definately worth checking out.

vampyr part 2

vampyr part 3

vampyr part 4

vampyr part 5

vampyr part 6

vampyr part 7

vampyr part 8

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


it's nice to have the world in such a media age. this was a film a friend of mine owned when i was younger, but it was extremely hard to find. i'm not sure if it was banned or just frowned upon. it's lengthy, so you may not have time to watch it at this point, but it's now here for you to watch at any time.

this is the story of karen carpenter filmed with dolls.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Un chien andalou

this is a film from 1929 directed by salvidor dali. it's a bit grainy, but you will get the point. it's continued underneath.

Un chien andalou cont.


this is a dream sequence in the Alfred Hitchcock movie "Spellbound" in which Salvidor Dali helped direct the scene. this is one of my favorite movies, another must see.


with an even bigger feather

Freaks is a must see movie. i believe it was released in 1932 and was directed by the same guy who made the original Dracula film.


Legendary Moonshiner Popcorn Sutton

your choice

i'm not sure where or when i found this image, but i think it's pretty cool and would love to meet the folks on the other side of either door.

famous Bollywood scene

The Fendermen - Mule Skinner Blues

Damn Fine Coffee

there will probably be more fun agent cooper posts.

Super Furry Animals - Golder Retriever

Franz Lang - yodel

My Hands Are Bananas

Mad TV - Wizard of Oz spoof

another shirt

this is another shirt i would like to order, but it stops being sold at midnight. oh well

- collin

i need some sleep

i've been on a big eels kick lately

- collin

SNL Taco Town

the Road

i just got back from seeing the movie "the road". it's based on a book by the same author as "no country for old men", cormac mccarthy. i'm not going to tell you much of the plot, nor tell you must see it, but i did enjoy it.

Sean Connery

jumping from the daisy

this is the shirt i have on order, hopefully it will arrive next week.

- collin