This was my absolute favorite cartoon when I was a child. I think this was the reason I ended up being such a scomic book person. This caryoon introduced me to Iceman who was an X-man and Firestar who was created just for the show but ended up in the comics. I chose this episode due to the fact that the X-men are in it. Also, Stan Lee does all of the naration, just brilliant. Enjoy!
this guy quit his job and worked for a year on this project. he renovated a 1981 opel and and did all of the woodwork from from oak. none of the parts came from the store.
Now in 1978 they tried to do a live action television program for Spider-Man, which I actually enjoy. The unfortunates it the times, they didn't have the special effects to make this program a real draw, and with this you didn't get to see enough Spider-Man, it was more Peter Parker running around. This video, just is just a compilation of clips from one episode.
Spider-man's next endevour into mainstream television was through the childrens' television program the Electric Company. This show was basically a rival of Sesame Street, though not as good. As a child I only watched it for the few minutes of Spider-Man, and looking back on those now, they weren't that great.
Despite Gumby's positive demeanor, his origins stem from tragedy. When Art Clokey was 9, his father was killed in a car crash. He lived with his mother for a while, but when her second husband made her choose between him and her son, Clokey was sent to an orphanage. Fortunately, he was adopted by a good family. But Clokey wouldn't forget his father, whose head shape - characterized by a cowlick hairdo - would later provide the inspiration for Gumby's trademark lopsided head. He also used Robots and went in and out of books. Way ahead of his time. Art still had his child-like sense about him to this day.
Ok here is one episode of the first spider-man cartoon. I have the entire collection, they are so bad that they are good. I think the part I love the most is being young and actually watching these episodes.
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